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ZIP Code Locality Manrique Central No 1, Medellin

The locality Manrique Central No 1 (Medellin) located at Antioquia has 2 distinct ZIP Codes. Below we list all the ZIP Codes from Medellin according to its geographics limits.

This same postcode also applies to the neighborhoods: El Chagualo, Estación Villa, Hospital San Vicente de Paúl, Jardín Botánico, Jesús Nazareno, Manrique Central No 1, Parque Norte, San Benito, San Pedro, Sevilla, Universidad de Antioquia.

ZIP Code norte limit south limit east limit west limit
050010 Postcode Cl 77 y 78 Cl 49 Kr 51, Cl 67 y Kr 45 Rio Medellin y Kr 61
050010 Postcode Cl 78, 80 y 83B Cl 66, 66D,66E, 66F Limite Urbano Kr 45

Location of Manrique Central No 1 (Medellin), Antioquia

ZIP Code Locality Manrique Central No 1, Medellin

Which is the ZIP Code of Manrique Central No 1 in Medellin?

The ZIP Code from locality Manrique Central No 1 in Medellin is 050010 or 050011. You should check in the map what Postcode applies to the address you are looking for.

Antioquia ZIP Code

Check out the list for Antioquia ZIP Code.

Which city the ZIP Code 050010 belongs to?

Check the city list that also has the 050010 ZIP Code.

Medellin phone code

Colombia phone code is +57 and the department area code for Antioquia is 4. To make a call from outside, you must dial +57 4 phone number.
