The Arnao city in Asturias province has 1 assigned the ZIP Code 33450.This same ZIP Code applies also to the following places.
Province | City | ZIP Code |
Asturias | La Fabrica | 33450 |
Asturias | Ventorrillo (Castrillon) | 33450 |
Asturias | Vegarrozadas | 33450 |
Asturias | Valboniel | 33450 |
Asturias | San Martin de Laspra | 33450 |
Asturias | Ponton (Castrillon) | 33450 |
Asturias | Piedras Blancas | 33450 |
Asturias | Garabiza | 33450 |
Asturias | Ferralgo | 33450 |
Asturias | Alvare (Castrillon) | 33450 |
Asturias | Cueto, el (Laspra - Castrillon) | 33450 |
Asturias | Cuenza | 33450 |
Asturias | Censo | 33450 |
Asturias | La Castañalona | 33450 |
Asturias | Los Carbayos | 33450 |
Asturias | Campiello (Castrillon) | 33450 |
Asturias | Campas, las (Castrillon) | 33450 |
Check out the list of Spain ZIP Code