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Locust Ridge, Louisiana ZIP Code - United States

The location Locust Ridge, LA has an unique ZIP Codes assigned (71366). Although this location name (Locust Ridge, LA) is set as NOT ACCEPTABLE (meaning it is an inadequate city name). So looking for the ZIP Code 71366 we have found out the following locations (for your mailing or form filling you should use an ACCEPTABLE or PRIMARY location name).

City Name ZIP Code ZIP Type Estimated Population
Saint Joseph, LA PRIMARY Status defition 71366 STANDARD 1.479

Postal Zone of Locust Ridge, LA - USA

Locust Ridge, Louisiana ZIP Code - United States
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for Locust Ridge, LA ZIP Code. A ZCTA is a generalized area representation of the american ZIP Code service area.

Locust Ridge, LA belongs to which county?

Locust Ridge, LA belongs to Tensas county. Check the list of Tensas county ZIP Code.

ZIP Code Louisiana

Check the list of Louisiana ZIP Code.

ZIP Code United States

If you want to restart your search by state, get back to US ZIP Code.

Status Definitions
  • PRIMARY: means an the primary city name. Official city name, although the city name might also have another acceptable name.
  • ACCEPTABLE: means an adequate city name. City names that are abbreviated will frequently be listed as unacceptable because abbreviations are not an acceptable city name format.
  • IMPROPER/NOT ACCEPTABLE: Means an inadequate city name has been entered or received based on information entered.
  • UNIQUE: Assigned to a company, government agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume, based on average daily volume of letter size mail received, availability of ZIP Code numbers in the postal area, and the US mail service cost-benefit analysis.