The location Cleveld, TN has 4 differents ZIP Codes. Check the map below to check your ZIP Code.
Although we show the postal codes for the local Cleveld, TN, note that this searched city name (Cleveld, TN) is described as NO ACCEPTABLE (means it is an inappropriate city name). Doing a search we find that the accepted city name for this region is Cleveland, TN. For correspondence or filling out a form we suggest using the name of the city that is ACCEPTABLE or PRIMARY.City Name | ZIP Code | ZIP Type | Estimated Population | |
Cleveld, TN | IMPROPER | 37311 | STANDARD | 17.628 |
Cleveld, TN | IMPROPER | 37312 | STANDARD | 24.564 |
Cleveld, TN | IMPROPER | 37320 | PO BOX | 1.970 |
Cleveld, TN | IMPROPER | 37323 | STANDARD | 23.761 |
Cleveld, TN belongs to Bradley county. Check the list of Bradley county ZIP Code.
Check the list of Tennessee ZIP Code.
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